Sunday, June 20, 2010

What to do about this Girl??

theres this girl that ive started to get feelings for shes in my english algebra and study classes

i never really paid attention to this girl before

ive seen her aroud and stuff but all of a sudden boom it just hit me

ive talked to her before but just a little bit

after class we had a few minutes free and her and one of her friends me and one of my friends had a group conversation just about random stuff

so basically need some help on ways to become her friend

and be able to talk to her more 1 on 1

then eventually go in for the date

i dont think shes out of my league or anything

im in a band and play lead guitar

(I wrote a song for her which is pretty deed has alot to do with her blue eyes (i express myself through music so ya)

I have long hair for a guy maybe this is a turnoff idk

get above average grades

(shes pretty into music btw)

one thing i dont do is follow the crowd

ex music,tv, clothes etc.

i listen/watch/wear what i want and what i like

so ya idk what girls think of me/this

What to do about this Girl??

i love guys w/ long hair maybe she like you ask her friends or get nevorus and ask her urself

What to do about this Girl??

maybe u, ur friend, her and her friend can go out together maybe to go see a movie or something, this will make her more comfortable around you and will sort of break the ice, through the nite talk to her lil and get to know her better and vice versa....then ull be close enough to have one on one conversations in school n stuff and then ask her out.....that way she will know you before you ask her out...good luck!

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