First off I dont want anyone reading this thinking I cut myself because I DONT. I repeat I dont. I was in the shower shaving and I was shaving my arms because I dont like hair on them. Well I wasnt carefull and the razor curved and it made a deep big but on my arm. Its about 4 and a half inches long, 1 inch deep and 1 inch wide. I know know if I should go to the doctor and have it looked at..I want to know will it heal soon? Should I go to the doctor and how do I keep it clean. I have been putting band aides on it and keeping the cut clean. I cleaned it and today I took the old band aides off and put some new ones on because I thought I should make sure its clean. Well its been a day since it happened and its still bleeding. My Mom is worried I hurt a mussuel or something or a vein in my arm. Monday she wants to take me to the doctor to have them check it out. But could you please answer my Qs I just want some advice
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
well deffinitly get to a doctor, but my advise, since i was in a similar predicament, would be to clean it will hydrogen peroxide(dont worry it doesnt hurt, its in the brown bottle).Soarness is to be expected with a cut that deep, so it probably isnt a muscle issue. Just use H.P.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
Go to a Dr or the ER. You could get a serious infection.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
Keep it BANDAGED with a roll bandage not just band-aids. Clean it every hour and apply pressure. Clean it with warm soap and water and top it off with alcohol. You could try betadine antibiotic wipes to prevent infection. If it does not stop bleeding after these steps, go to the doctor or even the ER.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
theres no way a razor cut you 1 inch deep fool go to the hospital or bleed to death
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
Okay, first of all. Your cut needs to breathe to start healing. What are you even using to clean it? Hydrogen Peroxide is what you should be using. Dab it on with a cotton ball. If your razor was rusty that might be a problem but most likely your razor wasn't old enough to be rusty. After putting Hydrogen Peroxide, dab it dry. Put Neosporin on it to heal the cut. Keep it on open air for now. When it starts to heal put a band aid on it. Repeat every few days.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
If the bleeding is controlled, it'll heal on its own. If you feel numbness, I'd go to the doc. If you can't stop the bleeding, apply pressure %26amp; hold your arm above your heart. Call emergency services.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
Get off the computer, go to the doctor and ask him all these questions, sheeeesh, go already!
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
Note: Use proper bandages, such as steril gause wrap. Once the cut is wrapped, put pressure on it by using medical tape. This will aide in the cauterization of the wound. Change the bandages regulary, and await a doctor's full diagnosis.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
take robinglcohol or hidirinporoxid and then pot it on a oz pade and robe it jentle on you'r orem.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
You need to go to the ER now. If you wait, you could get a bad infection and also you probably need stitches and you don't want to wait too long or you could have an ugly scar.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
You should see a doctor.........YESTERDAY!!!! Don't take chances like that. Is your mother your age???
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
get to the dr. u shouldnt still be bleeding, it could have been a vein. or u could get a serious infection, do not hesitate to get to the dr. its probably been too long for them to stitch u up but they can probably give u a cream to keep it clean and reduce the risk of getting an infection
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
hey man go tho the DR, they might need to stich from below and up to the top, if not it will get openning. But do keep clean and dry (peroxide it too) it will burn and fuss, thats the germs. I cut the hex out of my index finger washing dishes, they had to stich from below.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
I would do what your mothers says. If it is still bleeding you may have cut a same artery or something vital and a Dr. should look at it.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
It will take forever to heal without stitches. SEE A DOCTOR, SOON.
I have a deep cut on my arm..I need some Advice..please?
disinfect it with either alcohol or slices raw onion then put a comfrey poultice on it. This
will work then go see your doctor or a local Herbalist as soon as possible! Oh if your using blood thinners at all you better go to the doctor
pronto. You can stop bleeding with salt but that stings. Banana works too to stop bleeding and it doesn't sting! Yes you can mix banana with comfrey put in poultice. I had big slit in my arm from a kitchen knife I accidentally dropped on it and it was a little more than 1 in deep. The smoke detector sounded and that startled me why I drop the knife. I was chopping onions! And I had the stove element on. Every time I'm cooking something that darn smoke detector sounds.
I no longer cut anything while the stove is on!
The cut did heal on my arm Used the method as I described above.. I called my doctor and he said if it's stopped bleeding taking something for pain and call him in a week! I didn't have to even see him!
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