Sunday, November 22, 2009

What should I do about this guy Bill I like? We are both band geeks and he is very shy about dating.

I don't know if he even likes me like someone he would date because we are friends...but I want to be more...what should I do?

Well ...I love his smile, his laugh, his hugs, the way his hair feels, the feeling I get when his hand touches mine, how he was really patient teaching me, how he worried about me, how he was there at my baptziem no matter what he thought or what, the way he plays the piano/saxaphone/cello, and conducts, how he proved me wrong about mormons just by being him self, how he went out of his way to help me fit in how he still keeps in touch even though he don't have to because he no longer is a band member (offiacally) HOw he made a special cue for me in the phantom music so I new where my spot to come in was...does anyone have anygood advice?

What should I do about this guy Bill I like? We are both band geeks and he is very shy about dating.?

Invite him to a concert or some other independent music venue. The key is to not say anything about dates or anything. Treat it as if you're just trying to be friends. He'll get it eventually.

What should I do about this guy Bill I like? We are both band geeks and he is very shy about dating.?

just go make out with him

that'll clear everything up

What should I do about this guy Bill I like? We are both band geeks and he is very shy about dating.?

Wow, from that romance novel you wrote :) I would think you would not have to do too much. Just let him know how you feel. Chances are he may feel the same way, considering the things you've said he's done thus far.

Good Luck

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