Sunday, November 22, 2009

My best friend copies me on ALMOST EVERYTHING i do....?

and its really getting annoying. I like bands like Amber Pacific, As I lay Dying and senses fail, shes never heard of them. But all of a sudden shes telling her boyfreind that she likes all of those bands. I got globes and then she asked her dad if she could get globes, and i let her wear them to school once (trying to be nice) and she told everyone they were hers. I got a razr phone and now shes asking her dad for one. She always wants to borrow my clothes and when i let her she tells everyone they are hers. Now shes even trying to do her hair like me. She thinks i dont know shes trying to be me but i do know, because she was on the phone with her boyfreind and her boyfreind kept asking her if she likes certain bands, so she would ask me if i like them and if i said no, she told him no, if i said yes, she told him yes, even though shes never heard of ANY of them. And if i say something funny, she starts telling it to evryone and saying she made it up. Its VERy annoying what can i do?

My best friend copies me on ALMOST EVERYTHING i do....?

Your friend clearly has issues with being comfortable in her own skin. If she were truly comfortable with herself, she wouldn't need to be copying you. She thinks you are cool, so she wants to be cool too. Most of the time though, these issues just get worse. You will really have a problem on your hands if she starts telling people that you're the one copying her. And it feels as if someone is trying to steal your identity. Your best bet is to distance yourself a little, stop lending her stuff, and tell her you like different music. That way, when she starts telling someone what she likes, it wont be the same as what you like. If she starts to pick up on what your doing, she should get the message subtly. Last thing you want is a friend going single white female on you. You could also try to do things differently, like your hair. Try to stay one step ahead of your friend. Ultimately, if she annoys you too much, you might have to put an end to your friendship.

We all attract certain people into our lives, and with certain qualities; maybe you want to have a look at yourself and try to work out why you've attracted a person like this into your life.

My best friend copies me on ALMOST EVERYTHING i do....?

True, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Start picking music and other things that you don't like and get her interested in that. It should give her the idea that you are tired of her copying everything that you do or like.

My best friend copies me on ALMOST EVERYTHING i do....?

do something that's not to her type. be entirely weird. hehehe.

you're just draining yourself worrying about this doppelganger. she doesn't have an identity of her own and that's sad enough. I guess you should do something unexpected that would leave her off the copying for good.

My best friend copies me on ALMOST EVERYTHING i do....?

yikes. it sounds like you need to sit her down and have a serious talk about finding her own identity. or, since it's getting to be summer and you'll be out of school, distance yourself from her. hang with her once a week. get a job doing whatever you can, take art classes or dance or music lessons..tell her you have to do chores, whatever. she needs time away from you to figure herself out. you need time away from her to continue being yourself and improving yourself, and to not feel suffocated by her. she's a leech, and insecure, and something about you and your style is enviable to her.

really, i know she's your best friend, but you don't need to deal with that. distance, distance, distance.

i just hope the girl doesn't live within walking or biking distance of your house...and i really hope she's not old enough to drive yet.

distance. seriously.

good luck, stay true to yourself.

My best friend copies me on ALMOST EVERYTHING i do....?

wht a true copy cat! try to tell him u are tired of her, piss off plz!!! i wan to be unique! and you got such a bad attitude where u borrow my things and yet u told everyone those were yours!!! piss off!!!

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