Sunday, November 22, 2009

Does anyone else have a deaf cat that is also insanely hyperactive?

I have a one-year -old white,blue eyed neutered male short-hair.He is deaf.He is a very loving cat,but he is also the most hyperactive,ornery cat I have ever seen in my life,and mind you,I've had cats for 40 years.He is into everything ,like a toddler on a sugar -high.He jumps on the other cats to the point where they want to hide from him(and they are all twice his size).He knocks things over,steals things(rubber bands,socks,pens,etc).He's so bad,I have to put him in a cage at night so I know he's safe! Don't get me wrong,I love the little brat and would never get rid of him(or any of my cats),but I just wanted to know if anyone else has the same problem with a deaf cat.Thanks.

Does anyone else have a deaf cat that is also insanely hyperactive?

My friend has a cat that I think is deaf, and is crazy. It runs around the house.

Does anyone else have a deaf cat that is also insanely hyperactive?

He runs around the house to work off excess energy. In addition, have you checked your cat for fleas or your house? Because if a cat is running around a lot. it may be because a flea bit him/ her or if they are on top of everything it may because your house is infested with fleas.. Report It

Does anyone else have a deaf cat that is also insanely hyperactive? do you know the cat is deaf? Did you have a hearing test done on it at a licensed vet office?

The hyper part is just part of being young and can seem wild at times if you haven't had a kitten around for awhile. Plus it sounds like you are not playing with the cat enough. Get a feather on a pole or something and spend 15 mins a day wearing him out.

Cause if he is pouncing on the others, finding his own toys, etc....he is bored and seeking excitement and playing.

My cat of 1 yr plays ring toss with me for bout 20 mins a day. Just a ring off a milk jug and she'll play toss, catch and bring it back to me till she wears out.

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